Self-Care and Sips Spa
As you may or may not know, I struggle with the idea of taking care of myself. Part of me wants to be the kind of woman that keeps herself up, but more often than not I tend to sacrifice pampering myself for my goals and dreams.
Now that I'm a mother, having a little "me time" is... well, let's just say it was embarrassing for me to into the store carrying my son just for a bottle of wine and even more weird to push the stroller in the nail salon!
If you can relate to any of this, I have a solution for all of us!
I've decided to take matters into my own hands, and do what I can to take care of myself, and Unwine from the comforts of home!
In the process, I've launched two work from home businesses!
Miracle of Wine (powered through Wine Shop at Home), and Color Street!
The great thing about Miracle of Wine is that you can join the wine club, and try new wines every month, and there are so many gift options for any occasion!
The great thing about Color Street is that you don't have to have great nail painting precision, and there is no nail drying wait time!
Both can be ordered/ delivered, all from the comforts of home!
I hope that you are encouraged to give yourself
the well deserved "me time" we all desire!
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Miracle Sims is a versatile talent! Since she received her Associate's Degree in Theatre at Gordon College in 2006. She has been acting, writing, and songwriting independently for over 10 years. She is currently the owner of several businesses including Miracle Plays, Miracle of Wine, A Color Street Stylist, and the host/creator of the podcast and TV Show "God, Sex, and Love"! Visit actressmiraclesims.com for more information on Miracle,and her endeavors!